The page is maintained by Lars R. Knudsen and Vincent Rijmen .


The Block Cipher Lounge - AES

(This page was last updated 13.09.99)

The NIST Press Release

The Final 5 

Name  Author(s)  Report(s) 
MARS IBM (11 authors) "Tweak"
RC6  Rivest, Robshaw, Sidney, Yin  KM99 
RIJNDAEL Daemen, Rijmen  ?
SERPENT Anderson, Biham, Knudsen  ?
TWOFISH Schneier, Kelsey, Whiting, Wagner, Hall, Ferguson  MM99

The 15 AES Proposals 

Name  Author(s)  Rounds  Attack(s) 
CAST-256  Adams  48  ?
CRYPTON Lim  12  C:32/56/32 (6) [DB99] 
DEAL  Knudsen, Outerbridge 6,8  [Luc98] , [KS99] 
DFC  Vaudenay et al [KR99] 
E2 Aoki, Kanda, Matsumoto, Moriai, Ohta, Ookubo, Takashima, Ueda  12  C:100/./. (8) [MT99] 
FROG Georgoudis, Leroux, Chaves  [W98] 
Hasty Pudding R. Schroeppel  ?
LOKI97  Brown, Pieprzyk  16  K:56/./., C:56/./., [RK98] 
MARS IBM  32  [Saar98] 
Magenta Deutsche Telekomm 6,8  [BBFKS] 
RC6  Rivest, Robshaw, Sidney, Yin  20  ?
RIJNDAEL Daemen, Rijmen  10,12,14 ?
SAFER+  Massey, Khachatrian, Kuregian 8,12,16 [KSW99] 
SERPENT Anderson, Biham, Knudsen  32 ?
TWOFISH Schneier, Kelsey, Whiting, Wagner, Hall, Ferguson  16 MM99


The notation of the table: 

Name  Name of the block cipher 
Author  Name of the designer 
Rounds  the number of rounds of the cipher
K:a/b/c denotes that the best known plaintext attack requires 2a plaintext/ciphertexts, has a workload of 2b encryptions and requires 2c words of memory. 
C:a/b/c denotes that the best chosen plaintext attack requires 2a plaintext/ciphertexts, has a workload of 2b encryptions and requires 2c words of memory. 

A `.' means that this resource requirement is either negligible or unknown to us. 

(r): the number of rounds of the attack. If blank, r=Rounds 
[SA]: the paper describing the attack 
?: No attacks known 


If you have some attacks on some of the ciphers here, or if you have comments to this page, please contact Lars or Vincent .


C. Adams, The CAST-256 Encryption Algorithm
R. Anderson, E. Biham, L. Knudsen, SERPENT
E. Biham, A. Biryukov, N. Ferguson, L. Knudsen, B. Schneier, A. Shamir, Cryptanalysis of MAGENTA

L. Brown, J. Pieprzyk, ``Introducing the new LOKI97 Block Cipher''
Burwick, Coppersmith, D'Avignon, Gennaro, Halevi, Jutla, Matyas Jr., O'Connor, Peyravian, Safford, Zunic, ``MARS - a candidate cipher for AES''
Cylink Corporation, "SAFER+" (No link, LK, 11.08.99.)
J. Daemen, V. Rijmen, ``AES Proposal: Rijndael''
C. D'Halluin, G. Bijnens, V. Rijmen, B. Preneel, ``Attack on 6 rounds of Crypton,'' FSE'99, LNCS.
D. Georgoudis, D. Leroux, B.S. Chaves, ``The "FROG" Encryption Algorithm''
J. Kelsey, B. Schneier, D. Wagner, ``Key schedule weaknesses in SAFER+''
J. Kelsey, B. Schneier, ``Key schedule cryptanalysis of DEAL'', SAC 99
L. Knudsen, ``DEAL: A 128-bit Block Cipher''
L. Knudsen, W. Meier, Correlations in RC6
L. Knudsen, V. Rijmen, ``On the Decorrelated Fast Cipher (DFC) and its theory,'' FSE'99, LNCS.
S. Lucks, ``On the Security of the 128-bit Block Cipher DEAL''
M. Matsui, T. Tokita, ``Cryptanalysis of a reduced version of the block cipher E2,'' FSE'99, LNCS.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, ``The 128-Bit Block Cipher E2"''
C. H. Lim, ``CRYPTON''
F. Mirza, S. Murphy, ``An Observation on the Key Schedule of Twofish''
V. Rijmen, L.R. Knudsen, ``Weaknesses in LOKI97''

R. Rivest, M.J.B. Robshaw, R. Sidney, Y.L. Yin, "The RC6 Block Cipher"

(pdf) . See also here .
M-J. Saarinen, "Equivalent keys in MARS"

M-J. Saarinen, "A note regarding the hash function use of MARS and RC6"
Schneier, Kelsey, Whiting, Wagner, Hall, Ferguson, ``Twofish: A 128-bit Block Cipher''
R. Schroppel, The Hasty Pudding Cipher
S. Vaudenay et al, DFC
D. Wagner, N. Ferguson, and B. Schneier, "Cryptanalysis of Frog,"


This page was created 15.06.97 by Lars R. Knudsen and Vincent Rijmen.

The page is maintained by Lars R. Knudsen and Vincent Rijmen .
All comments welcome

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